陈清奇,男,1963年生于湖南省安仁县,1979年高中毕业于湖南省安仁县第一中学(高76班),1979年考入郴州师范专科学校化学科(现名:湘南学院)学习,1982年毕业被分配到湖南省安仁县第四中学任教师。1983年被调任到湖南省安仁县平背中学任教师。1985年考入吉林延边大学化学系有机化学研究生班学习。1987年毕业并于同年到北京市食品工业研究所工作。1990年考入北京大学化学系,1993年毕业获理学博士学位(导师:金声教授,马金石教授)。1993年~2000年曾分别在奥地利、美国、加拿大3所国际知名大学分别在Dr. Heinz Falk; Dr. David Lightner; Dr. David Dolphin的研究小组从事博士后研究。2000年起曾分别在美国数家国际知名的生物制药公司从事科研和管理工作,历任高级科学家、项目经理、部门负责人、副总裁、总裁。2010年创办MedKoo Biosciencs


Welcome to Dr.Qingqi Chen’s personal website

Born in Anren CountyHunan Province, China, Qingqi Chen completed high school study in 1979 at the No 1 Middle School of Anren CountyHunan Province. He obtained B. Sc. in 1982 from Chenzhou Normal College, Hunan (Current name Xiangnan University),  M.Sc. in 1989 from Yanbian University, Jilin, and Ph.D. in 1993 from Peking University.

During 1993 – 2000,  Qingqi had done his postdoctoral research at Johannes-Keper University Linz, Austria (In Dr.Heinz Falk‘s lab), The University of Nevada Reno, USA (In Dr.David Lightner’s Lab), and The University of British Columbia, Canada (in Dr. David Dolphin‘s Lab)During 2000  2009Qingqi had worked for QLT Inc,  Biomarin Pharmaceuticals, Inc,  MedTox Diagnostics Inc., Erimos Pharmaceuticals, LLC. Since 2009, Qingqi has been the CEO and President of MedKoo Biosciences, Inc.  

Qingqi had been the leader for many projects related to new drug discovery, drug delivery and Novel diagnostic technologies. He had held a number of key positions included Senior Scientist, Director, VP and CEO etc.

His major achievements included: (1) three NCE drugs were successfully approved, in which Qingqi was one of the key scientists; (2) over 10 diagnostic products and kits were successfully marketed in USA, in which Qingqi was one of the key scientists; (3) Among new chemical entities Qingqi and his team discovered, 4 candidates had been selected for clinical trials, and over 10 candidates had been evaluated in pre-clinical trials; (4) Dr Chen has published 11 books, over 90 peer-reviewed publications and submitted over 20 patent applications.